Father's House Skipton Events
Jesus is Lord
God is so good and very kind, bowling us over with his love and attention to each one of us. We believe God is a miracle keeping God who loves to heal, restore and make things new. Our confidence in moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is growing with a ‘Love Walk’ We are moving in ministering to each other in the areas of Healing, Prophesy, Teaching, Pastoring and words of knowledge. We accept that we will use the Gifts given to us by our Father God in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We are people who chase after God
Jesus is the Way, the truth and the Life – nobody comes to the father except through Jesus
Do you want to be free?
- You need to invest in yourself and you can do no better than know the truth Father God says about you. It is the knowledge of this truth that sets you free.
- You will discover a freedom which will help you to live the life abundant that Jesus died and rose again that you might have.